Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah Launching UMKU

Muhammadiyah Kudus University (UMKU), which is located in Purwosari Village, Kota District, Sunday, May 26, 2019, has launched and also laid the groundwork for the construction of the Convention Hall at the university. Present at the event, General Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah DR. Haidar Nasir, M.Si, the Regent of Kudus, Ir. HM Muhammad Tamzil, MT, UMKU Rector Rusnoto, SKM M.Kes, Chairman of PW Muhammadiyah Central Java, DR Imron Rosyadi, M.Ag and PP Muhammadiyah secretary, Abdul Mukti. In addition, there was also the Head of the Central Java Higher Education Service Institute, Prof. DR DYP Sugiharto, MPd.

To journalists who met him at UMKU, the General Chairperson of PP Muhammadiyah, Haidar Nasir said, today in synergy with the Kudus Regency Government to lay the foundation of excellence, namely Muhammadiyah Kudus University as part of our cultural strategy in educating the nation’s life. One of the ways to educate the nation is with the Central of Excellent, namely by establishing this university.

This university, said Haidar, has issued its decree and it has been given by the president directly. The existence of this university is on land belonging to the district government. Apart from that, he said, Muhammadiyah in building these centers of excellence departed from a religious perspective called progressive Islam. This means that he continued, religion in Indonesia is not a burden, not a problem and not a source of problems.

But continued Haidar, religion was the source of inspiration for the nation’s progress and Muhammadiyah took the lead. So if there are negative views about religion as a source of terrorism, a source of violence and so on, this is biased from two things. Namely, the external view of religious issues is still negative and there are elements among these religious communities whose understanding is still limited, then with this limited view it creates a wrong and extreme understanding.

Extreme and radicalism are not only religious, but also in ideology and excessive nationalism (ultra nationalism). He said Muhammadiyah wanted to counteract this with modernization, namely that negative energy had to be washed away with positive energy.

On this occasion Haidar also appealed to all parties to end this mass politics regarding conditions after the announcement of the election results by the KPU some time ago. Where at this time the conditions were conducive and his party was also involved in overseeing the process in the Constitutional Court, if later, whatever the Court’s decision is, it must be obeyed by all parties.

Haidar also emphasized that the riot case during the KPU announcement some time ago for victims of violence should be thoroughly investigated.

Meanwhile, Muhammadiyah Kudus University consists of 13 Study Programs, namely D3 Nursing, D3 Midwifery, S1 Nursing, Professional Nurses, Pharmacy S1, PGSD S1, Mathematics, Islamic Economics, A1 Accounting, Industrial Engineering S1, Law S1, Information Systems S1, Computer Science S1 .

About apoteker_umkudus_12102018

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Ketua Umum PP Muhammadiyah Launching UMKU

Universitas Muhammadiyah Kudus (UMKU) yang berlokasi di Kelurahan Purwosari Kecamatan Kota, Minggu 26 Mei 2019 telah dilakukan launching dan juga peletakan batu pertama pembangunan Convention Hall di universitas tersebut. Hadir dalam acara itu, Ketua Umum PP Muhammadiyah DR. Haidar Nasir, M.Si, Bupati Kudus Ir. HM Muhammad Tamzil, MT, Rektor UMKU Rusnoto, S.K.M M.Kes, Ketua PW Muhammadiyah Jateng, DR Imron Rosyadi, M.Ag serta sekretaris PP Muhammadiyah, Abdul Mukti. Selain itu hadir pula Kepala Lembaga Layanan Dikti Jateng Prof DR DYP Sugiharto, MPd.

Kepada wartawan yang menemuinya di UMKU, Ketua Umum PP Muhammadiyah, Haidar Nasir mengatakan, pada hari ini bersinergi dengan Pemkab Kudus meletakkan pondasi keunggulan yakni Universitas Muhammadiyah Kudus sebagai bagian dari strategi kebudayaan kita dalam mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa. Mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa salah satunya adalah dengan Central of Excellent yakni dengan mendirikan universitas ini.

Universitas ini kata Haidar, sudah keluar SK nya dan sudah diberikan oleh presiden langsung. Keberadaan universitas ini berada dilahan milik pemkab. Selain itu kata dia, Muhammadiyah dalam membangun pusat – pusat keunggulan ini berangkat dari pandangan keagamaan yang disebut Islam berkemajuan. Artinya lanjut dia, agama di Indonesia bukan beban, bukan masalah dan bukan sumber masalah.

Tetapi lanjut Haidar, justru agama menjadi sumber inspirasi kemajuan bangsa dan Muhammadiyah mempelopori. Jadi bila ada pandangan – pandangan negatif tentang agama sebagai sumber terorisme, sumber kekerasan dan lain sebagainya, ini bias dari dua hal. Yakni pandangan luar masalah agama yang masih negatif dan ada unsur – unsur dikalangan umat beragama ini yang pemahamannya masih terbatas lalu dengan pandangan yang terbatas itu menimbulkan pemahaman yang keliru dan ekstrim.

Ektrim dan radikalisme itu tidak hanya diagama saja, tetapi ada juga di idiologi dan nasionalisme yang berlebihan (ultra nasionalisme). Dikatakannya, Muhammadiyah ingin menangkal itu dengan modernasi, yakni energy negatif harus dibilas dengan energy positip.

Pada kesempatan ini Haidar juga menghimbau agar semua pihak harus mengakhir politik yang bersifat massal ini terkait kondisi pasca pengumuman hasil pemilu oleh KPU beberapa waktu lalu. Dimana saat ini kondisi sudah kondusif dan pihaknya juga ikut mengawal proses di MK, bila nanti apapun keputusan MK maka harus ditaati oleh semua pihak.

Haidar juga menegaskan, agar kasus kerusuhan saat pengumuman KPU beberapa waktu lalu untuk korban kekerasan agar diusut tuntas.

Sementara itu Universitas Muhammadiyah Kudus terdiri dari 13 Program Studi yaitu D3 Keperawatan, D3 Kebidanan, S1 Keperawatan, ProfesiNers, S1 Farmasi, S1 PGSD, S1 Matematika, S1 Ekonomi Syariah, A1 Akuntansi, S1 Teknik Industri, S1 Hukum, S1 SistemInformasi, S1 IlmuKomputer.

About apoteker_umkudus_12102018

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